xícara - cup - taza - Кубак - vaso - coppa - kopp - الكأس - tasse - beker - fincan - גלעזל - κύπελλο - pehar - чаша - kupillinen - cawan - чашка - kop - koppie - kikombe - գավաթ - chávena - filxhan - kopa - কাপ - 컵 - kup - kuppi - カップ- cốc - inkomishi

quarta-feira, 30 de maio de 2012

Xícara brasileira

Xícara de café de porcelana branca, sem marca. Decorada  com frutas vermelhas, uvas, pera e frisos vermelhos.

Um comentário:

  1. Hello Irene,

    What a lovely surprise to receive an e-mail from tea friend from Brazil. I'm so happy you have been visiting and enjoying my blog. I'm so happy to meet you and enjoy looking at your delightful blog. You're a serious collector! I find collecting so much fun. I get so excited when I find another piece to add to my growing collection. I haven't counted how many cups and teapots I have collected, but I'm sure I have over 100 pieces so far.
    Thank you for the translation below. I love your story of how you came to love collecting. You have some amazing pieces in your collection. I will definitely keep visiting your site.
    Thank you so much for writing to me! What a pleasure it is to have a tea friend in Brazil.

    Happy collecting,
